Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Learning chord changes

The most challenging thing that you will ever face in your guitar journey is chord changes. At times you will be demoralised too. But don't worry guys, here is a very cool way to get this down. And I call it the intersection of common fingers. After learning your basic chord shapes, you must have realised that there are different chords shapes where one or two of the fingers are common. This concept will be exploited as it is very very useful and a superb way to learn chord changes.
Here is provided a list of grouped chords for practising chord changes.
 Before changing the chord, try to figure out which finger is going to be at its original place in the next chord too. After figuring this out, try to keep that finger stuck, and using that finger as a centre point, try to shift your other fingers to occupy the next chord shape. These list of chord changes as given above are very crucial for dexterity and smooth playing. So practice them as much as you can. Some of these changes may look repeated in the list, but the more you practice, the more skill you produce.

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