Thursday, October 16, 2014

Best exercise for learning sweep picking

To learn sweep picking, the first thing that you need to learn is proper sweeping technique. This part is not so difficult. The next thing to learn is playing with your fretting hand in a very much clean and efficient way. Then comes the coordination part. This is the most challenging of all. Below is provided a very much basic exercise which is very simple yet covers all the techniques for sweep picking. This you can say is an all in one exercise.
Previously an exercise was given but that was four string sweeping exercise and was not meant for absolute beginners. This exercise is made for the absolute beginners. It is a two string sweep picking exercise.
Play this exercise very slowly because this exercise is meant for developing a very firm sweep picking technique. Once you develop a firm technique, you can make your metronome click faster.
Here is the exercise.


Play slowly using all your four fingers and make sure that there is no noise coming at all from any kind of unwanted string vibrations. For this do not quickly lift your finger after playing the note but lift it gradually so that the string remains muted after the note is played. 

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