Sunday, July 6, 2014

Unlock Your Guitar Fretboard-1

I have seen people memorizing scale shapes and chord shapes and their inversions. I have seen many who are day and night memorizing so many arpeggio shapes. The question is- Is it really necessary to mug up those shapes? Or is there any way to construct all those shapes at once and use it instantly? I would say yes! you don't need to go through an intensive memorizing session to master those scales and arpeggios.

The whole concept is that you should know the relationship between two notes on the fret board. This is all you need to achieve. And this is much more compact, easy and fun to do rather than memorizing shapes for each scale and each arpeggio.

The first thing that you need to master is the major scale degrees with respect to a chosen note. And after doing this you would have done 99 percent of your job. And the last and rest 1 percent will come to you automatically.

So let me first tell you how many shapes you need to learn to master everything. 10? 15? 20? NO!!!

Right now i will be focusing on the 3rd, 5th and 7th degrees of a major scale. Consider the diagram below.

The note positions can be seen where they exactly lie with respect to the root note. This shape could be used across all strings as it is but there is a problem.

The standard tuning is EADGBE. The gap between E-A, A-D, D-G and B-E is same but G-B is different. Here the gap is ONE FRET LESS. So whenever you are applying this shape be sure to move the notes on the B-string one fret.

Now let me show the shapes with root notes on different strings. REMEMBER THAT THE SHAPE WILL CHANGE ONLY IF WE ARE ENCOUNTERING THE B-STRING. AND THAT TOO WOULD BE ONLY A SHIFTING OF ONE FRET. This is the only thing that you have to keep in mind.

Closely analyse the positions and you will find that the position of a particular degree is always fixed from a reference note. The only problem being encountered while you are encountering a B-string. This is the only thing that you have to remember: When the  B-string enters, how relations change. That's all.

Keep in mind and practice these and master it. After doing this, you would have completed 50 percent of your journey. But if you are smart enough you would have already guessed where the 2nd, 4th and 6th degrees lie. In the next lesson i will be providing the final shapes.

Anyways, try to master this and i guarantee you that you will never run behind scale and arpeggio shapes anymore!

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