Here are the final shapes provided that you need to master. Just remember the relative positions of each degree with respect to the root and get them into application while playing. I will be discussing how you can apply them every time you are you are playing your instrument. For now, look through the final shapes. I assume you know which note represents which degree of the major scale. For convenience, the root note in distinguished.
I would suggest you not to learn the shapes but just to notice the relative positions, because these relative positions will never change anywhere on the fret board. For example, the fifth degree always lie above the root note on the same fret. The fourth degree lies just below the root note on the same fret. And so on. The only exception that you have to keep in mind is the B-string. It leads to shifting of everything by one fret. In the next lesson i will be telling you how you can apply this concept to build your scales, arpeggios, extended chords, how to add tensions to a chord and much more. Keep rocking!!!
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